Tuesday, 30 October 2012

How does it feel to be an orchestral player?

An orchestral player is like being in a football team, (I said a bit). You work as a team, you are goal orientated and highly skilled. It is an adrenaline pumping, physical experience with the determination to get that goal, and when you do make that goal it is sheer exhilaration. You are on a high, on top of the world and totally present. - Let me know your thoughts.....

The Collective Experience 

To play in an orchestra, especially in your youth, means undertaking music as a collective experience but with individual expertise.It entails the pursuit of excellence and goal orientated perseverance to make dreams and the creative spirit become a reality. Most of all it is a FAMILY - united by the universal language of music that transcends all boundaries.

Value and Strength

A Youth Orchestra graduate leaves with a sense of endurance and confidence that gives them the capability to face the challenges in their lives as and when they meet them. Great mentors can be found as lead conductors and coaches. A deep sense of value and appreciation is derived from the youth orchestra experience. Graduates learn that excellence is in their own hands.

It is the above that inspires us here at Wiltshire Music Network to further the youth orchestra experience and make relevant in the lives of its graduates and anyone who has had music touch their lives.

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